Are you Satisfied?
May 29, 2023
On the spur of the moment, I did something out of the norm. I had joined a Facebook group and needed a photo. I saw a not-so-good picture of myself and took a detour from my task. I posted that picture I found on Facebook for my friends to see. With genuine words of gratitude for the people in my life. I did have a big smile on my face in the photo, but my hair was messy, my shirt was ruffled, and too much of me was showing. But without more thinking there it was for the world to see.
Another usual thing happened. I started getting tons of likes and comments just minutes after it went up. I was off to the next thing so it took a while to get back to my spontaneous, not-so-perfect post.
Thank you to everyone who did respond. What a beautiful community. What a wonderful reminder of the people I have had the privilege to interact with throughout the years. Some people I have not heard from for easily 20 years.
One post caught my eye and has stuck with me. It was from one of my French-speaking African colleagues. This brother’s words were simple and profound. “Be satisfied.” Maybe that was just a translation but what a wonderful blessing to give someone.
Be Satisfied. Not be happy, not be joyful, grounded, wealthy, or healthy. Be satisfied.
This comes on the heels of doing a 6-week nutrition plan to kick-start me into some better life habits. the first week of this group that I join talked very little about the food. They talk about self care. They are specific about requiring eating a boatload of veggies. They lay that out clearly, but what is the first week’s homework? Self care. What they have learned over the 10-plus years of these Doctors doing this plan with people like me is you stick to something that is hard and has a better chance of making a habit if you find satisfaction in caring for yourself.
Be satisfied. Be content with yourself. Find joy in the simple, care for yourself. Such a contrast from how I often live my life. Not be wealthy. Not perfect. Not put all together. Satisfied, pure, simple, and beautiful. Even when the picture I posted was not perfect or beautiful. I let go of myself and gave a gift of gratitude. That is sweet satisfaction.
How can you plan some self care today? Building your satisfied muscles. For me I’m going to post a not-so-perfect picture, I’m going to play outside, and get sleep. I’m going to exercise, work hard and know that I will never get it all done, but i can be satisfied with my work. I encourage you to care for yourself, make a gratitude list every day, and know that we don’t need to control the world to be satisfied.
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